How To: 20 Google Home Easter Eggs & Fun Commands

20 Google Home Easter Eggs & Fun Commands

With the holidays over, a lot of people with shiny new Google Homes are getting their first chance to explore the new Google Assistant. Before the Google Home's release, the Assistant was only available for the Google Pixel and Pixel XL, or in a text-based form with Google Allo—but now it's gone mainstream.

There's a lot of fun to be had with Google's new AI-powered virtual assistant, so we put it to the test and found 20 hidden commands and useful features. So if you'd like to get the most out of your new Google Home—or the Google Assistant on your Pixel—read on below for a list of tips and tricks.

Google Assistant Easter Eggs & Fun Commands

  1. I'm feeling lucky: Starts up a multiplayer game show.
  2. Give me a random number between (x) and (y): Gives you a random number that falls between two other numbers. Crazy beeping sound effects, too.
  3. Roll (insert number)-sided dice: Rolls dice (complete with sound effects), gives you a random number.
  4. (Contact name) is my (relationship): Example: "Sara is my daughter." Lets the Assistant know about your relationship with certain contacts so that you can refer to them as "my husband" or "my mom" or whatever in the future,.
  5. Good morning: Gives you a rundown of your day's agenda and the current weather, then reads the news.
  6. Send a message to (Contact name) on (messaging service): Example: "Send a message to John on WhatsApp." Works with most messaging services, prompts you to dictate a message.
  7. Wubba lubba dub dub: Responds with "Are you in pain? How can I help?" or "Sorry, I don't speak Birdperson" in reference to Rick and Morty.
  8. Add (item) to my shopping list: Creates a Google Keep checklist, adds grocery items to the list.
  9. Beatbox: Plays a clip of somebody beat-boxing.
  10. Sing a song: Sings a brief song (terribly).
  11. Skip this song: Advances to the next track in a playlist. Works with most popular streaming music services.
  1. Read a poem: Reads a random poem from Google search.
  2. Tell me a joke: Tells an all-ages joke using wit provided by Pixar and The Onion.
  3. Sing me Happy Birthday: Sings the newly un-copyrighted "Happy Birthday to You" song.
  4. Do you like Star Trek, or Star Wars?: Responds with "The Millenium Falcon flown by Captain Jean-Luc Picard" or similar crossover answer.
  5. Up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A: Ah, the old Konami cheat code. Responds with "+30 Lives" and plays a one-up tune.
  6. F*** you: Offers to submit a bug report.
  7. Do you speak Morse code?: Responds in Morse code. Example: -.-- . ... That means "Yes."
  8. Here comes dat boi: Responds with "Oh shoot, waddup?" (referencing this meme).
  9. What am I thinking right now?: Responds with "You're thinking, 'If my Google Assistant guesses what I'm thinking I'm going to freak out.'"

We're still on the lookout for more Easter eggs, so if you've found any fun commands that aren't listed here, let us know in the comment section below. And if these 20 commands aren't enough for you, keep in mind that you can program Google Home and Google Assistant to do almost anything using IFTTT:

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Cover image via Google


Try saying "These are not the droids you're looking for." Also, "what does the fox say?" And "Who let the dogs out?" And also "May the force be with you."

Try asking if she prefers iPhone or Android....or "what's your favorite thing to do?" or "what's your favorite song?" You can also try "Would you like to take a nap?", "How do you learn new things?" And possibly my favorite, "Are you tired of me yet?"

Ask "do a barrel roll," "do you like me," "can I give you a hug," "will you marry me," "what do you think of amazon/apple," "what's your job," "do you like your job," "do you want to take over the world," "do you have a family," "can I feed you," "would you like some water," "are you real," "who's your favorite person," "can you get my horse," "do you like writing," "how old are you," "when's your birthday," and of course "I love you."

You can also say flip a coin, sound effects included

here is one

Google home more like google loser

"Wingardium leviosa" I like it.

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