How To: Lose fat instead of muscle by avoiding the Twinkie diet

Lose fat instead of muscle by avoiding the Twinkie diet

The Twinkie diet is about as ridiculous as the cookie diet. While proponents of the diet say that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn off, you'll lose weight, they forget to mention that you're losing muscle as well as fat.

If you don't exercise or eat healthily, your body will eat up all that lean, fat-burning muscle, making you a weak, wobbly skinny thing.

Check out this nutrition video to learn more reasons for why the Twinkie diet is horrible for your health.

The dangerous misconception glossed over in the twinkie diet is that weight loss is not the same thing as fat loss. When you weigh less it can be because you lost muscle or because you lost fat. With a horrible like this twinkie diet you lose muscle!

The one definite truth in the twinkie diet is that when it comes to weighing less on the scale, all that matters is your calorie defecit, not the quality of the calories you eat.

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